Many years ago in yoga classes, I started to learn about a branch
of yoga which was not about movement at all. It was about the yoga
philosophy, and yoga as a way of life. Yoga has principals, and
ethics which can align beautifully with our everyday life. From the
very start, two principals stood out to me immediately. The first,
in Sanskrit, is called “Ahimsa” (pronounced Ah-him-sa). Ahimsa
simply put, means non-harming, or avoidance of harming any
living creature by deeds, words, or thoughts.
I really pondered this message and slowly began to incorporate
this principle into my day to day life. But to me, it was all about
things outside of myself! Over a period of time I finally
understood the concept of Ahimsa applied to myself as well! This
included staying away from critical thoughts, as well as taking
better care of myself physically and mentally. I did this through my
practice of yoga and meditation, as well through exercise and
good nutrition. In following this principle, I actually feel better and
I am healthier than I was 10 years ago! I still contemplate this
word, and find so many other ways to apply it. I hope you might
consider it as well!
The other word I learned in Sanskrit was “Santosha.” This word
broken down means essentially “acceptance or contentment”.
For me, it means being satisfied in the moment. Trying to stay
present, and understanding, at the age of 71, each minute is a gift
of presence and awareness. I hope maybe these two beautiful
words find a way into your heart as well.
-Jodi Glass Kasa Yoga Dallas Teacher