Happy May! Spring is here, the flowers are blooming, and it is the time of new growth. It is also the month of Mother’s Day.
Many of us have been staying at home for the last few weeks, and life has been different. It is easy to focus on the world’s problems and our own hardships as well. However, for those of us who are fortunate enough to be healthy and only mildly affected financially, we can use this time to reflect and embrace the temporary life changes. It is also a time when we should send out healing, positive energy and prayers to those who are struggling. We should be mindful. Maintaining a healthy yoga practice helps us to center, reflect, and most importantly, practice gratitude.
I have been attending Christina’s yoga classes in Dallas for over two years and have noticed a shift within myself. The practice is not just about the physical changes, it is about the emotional and spiritual changes as well. This is the perfect time of year to embrace those changes since they are reflected in the season.
There is that saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” It can seem a little bit corny, but there is so much enjoyment in planting new flowers, listening to a flowing fountain, and appreciating the green grass and warm sun. May is the perfect time to take the time to recognize how beautiful our lives really are, being present in the moment. Sometimes, when we are forced to change our routines and stop for a moment, the most precious things in our lives become highlighted. Suddenly, our families, friends, pets, and nature are more visible. If we are adaptable and pay attention, we find happiness in the things that had gone unnoticed in our busy days of getting things done.
Our Families
During this time of social distancing, it is difficult to be with extended family. However, our hearts are with them. This is a time for reflection about what is truly important. Mother’s Day is also especially significant because it gives us a chance to pause and appreciate our mothers and feel appreciated as mothers by our children. Most of us are more self-aware during this time.
Our Bodies
Yoga with Christina is all about being pain-free and mobile for a lifetime. Not only does the practice help keep me grounded, I have seen noticeable changes in my mobility and flexibility.
Practicing Yoga embodies the perfect combination of body and spirit. It makes your body feel better, but more importantly, it provides a sense of peace, a way to center yourself.
Our Minds
Since May is the month of new growth, it is the perfect time to celebrate a change in spirit.
If you are a bit of a Type A person like me, you might want to complete all tasks and constantly have an unfinished list racing through your head, as well as spelled out in various digital and paper planners. It is difficult to adapt to change and a loss of routine. For example, when the studio had to temporarily close, I was lost without the routine of attending Christina’s classes at specific times. Wanting desperately not to fall behind, I added yoga to my task list, challenging myself to complete it. I failed. Taking a step back, it became obvious that the practice had morphed into yet another task on my list. It is healthier to stop and embrace the practice, one day at a time. That was my aha moment. It was apparent that the same behavior spilled over into other areas of my life. It is a difficult habit to break, but recognition is the first step to recovery! It is a process, but with change, stress levels decrease. Stress is bad for the mind AND the body. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we take a breath and let go of our concerns for a few minutes a day.
I have started my yoga practice again with a new sense of peace. I walk my dog every day, spend time live or on Facetime with my family, garden, and revel in the beauty of nature. As a result, I’m even doing better with my task list!
Stop, appreciate, it will all be okay. Life is a journey.
By Natalie Cappello
Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Business Woman